California Assembly Bill 3108 became effective on January 1, 2025 and could conceivably make certain business purpose loans secured by owner-occupied property subject to mortgage fraud claims by the borrowers. The primary goal of the new law—passed unanimously by the State Assembly and nearly unanimously by the State Senate (with one apparent absentee)—is to protect borrowers from certain predatory practices by mortgage lenders and brokers. However, unintended consequences may arise.Continue Reading California AB 3108 Creates Potential Mortgage Fraud Issue for Lenders on Owner-Occupied Mortgage Loans Made for a Business Purpose

On January 17, 2025, the CFPB filed a complaint against an Illinois-based non-depository mortgage lender for allegedly engaging in discriminatory practices. The CFPB alleges the lender engaged in improper redlining by deliberately excluding certain neighborhoods from its services based on the racial and ethnic composition of those areas, in violation of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA). Continue Reading CFPB Takes Action Against Illinois Mortgage Lender for Redlining Violations

Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued a report, consumer advisory, and filed an amicus brief addressing the risks associated with home equity contracts (HECs)—financial products often marketed as home equity “investments.” The Bureau highlighted the high costs, complexity, and risks these products pose to homeowners, including the potential for financial distress and forced home sales if repayment obligations become unmanageable. The Bureau’s amicus brief, filed in a lawsuit currently ongoing in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, is discussed in detail below.Continue Reading CFPB Issues Warning on Risks of Home Equity Contracts, Takes Legal Action to Ensure Compliance with TILA

On January 7, 2025, the United States Department of Justice (the “DOJ”) announced that a non-depository mortgage lender has agreed to pay $1.75 million in connection with allegations that it engaged in a pattern or practice of lending discrimination by redlining predominantly Black and Hispanic neighborhoods.Continue Reading DOJ Announces Third Settlement with a Non-Depository Lender to Resolve Alleged Redlining Claims

On January 6, 2025, the CFPB filed a lawsuit against a non-bank manufactured home financing company for violations of the Truth in Lending Act and Regulation Z. The lawsuit alleges that the mortgage lender engaged in predatory lending practices by providing manufactured home loans to borrowers it knew could not afford them.Continue Reading CFPB Sues Mortgage Lender for Predatory Lending Practices in Manufacture Homes Loans

In a September 26 settlement, the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office reached an agreement with a mortgage loan servicer to resolve allegations of violations of Massachusetts consumer protection laws and the Truth in Lending Act.Continue Reading Massachusetts AG Reaches Settlement with Loan Servicer Over Improper Debt Collection Practices

On October 15, the CFPB and the DOJ announced a settlement against a large mortgage lender for its alleged discriminatory redlining practices against residents of majority-Black neighborhoods in the greater Birmingham, Alabama area in violation of the Fair Housing Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and Consumer Financial Protection Act. Redlining occurs when lenders discourage credit applications, deny equal access to home loans and other credit services in certain areas, or avoid providing home loans based on applicants’ protected class status, such as the race, national origin, or color of the residents of those areas.Continue Reading CFPB and DOJ Target Mortgage Lender for Alleged Discriminatory Redlining Practices

On August 21, the CFPB entered into a consent order with a nonbank mortgage servicer for mortgage servicing violations and for violating an earlier 2017 CFPB consent order for deficient foreclosure practices. Continue Reading CFPB Hits Executive Compensation in Action Against National Mortgage Servicer for Illegal Foreclosure Practices

On July 10, the CFPB announced proposed rules for mortgage servicers, aimed at helping homeowners avoid foreclosures. The new rules, which would modify RESPA and Regulation X’s existing mortgage servicing framework, are designed to streamline the process for obtaining mortgage assistance, and incentivize servicers to prioritize borrower aid over foreclosure.Continue Reading CFPB Proposes Revamped RESPA Mortgage Servicing Rules