On December 18, 2024, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (the “CFPB”) issued a circular to other law enforcement agencies warning that some credit card companies operating rewards programs may be breaking the law, and urging them to take action. The practices in question include, among others, illegally devaluing rewards points and airline miles. The CFPB also published research which found that retail credit cards charge much higher interest rates than traditional cards. In its circular, the CFPB provides a detailed review of these issues.Continue Reading CFPB Calls on Other Enforcement Agencies to Address Bait-and-Switch Credit Card Rewards Practices

On September 13, the CFPB filed a complaint against a nonbank corporation and its CEO, alleging that the company engaged in deceptive and abusive acts through misleading advertising and unjustified, exorbitant fees related to its credit card program. The CFPB claims these actions violate both the Consumer Financial Protection Act and the Truth in Lending Act.Continue Reading CFPB Cracks Down on Credit Services Provider for Gouging and Trapping Consumers

On May 9, the CFPB issued a new report highlighting the issues consumers encounter with credit card rewards programs. The report was released in conjunction with a hearing co-hosted with the Department of Transportation and featured remarks from Director Chopra and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, along with panelists from consumer groups, policy advocacy organizations, financial institutions, and airlines. Chopra, in particular, noted the lack of transparency in the rewards market and how many card issuers engage in bait-and-switch scams. As described in further detail in the report, the Bureau found the following issues with rewards programs;Continue Reading CFPB Targets Credit Card Rewards Programs